100Kg Hash House Harriers
AKA: Fat Bastards
A Mixed club that runs at Nash Hash and Interhash.
Call to get run cost.
Email : foreskin@iinet.net.au
Tony "Foreskin" Banner, 0409 680 294(MOB), foreskin@iinet.net.au
Last Update: 12/01/2013
Albany Convict Hash House Harriers
URL: http://www.facebook.com/Albany-Convict-Hash-House-Harriers-386854828051434
AKA: Albany Convict Hash
A Mixed club that runs Monday at 1800 from various locations around our beautiful city.
Cost is $5 a run or $10 when food provided.
Full Moon Runs are held once a month on the evening of the Full Moon at 6:00. Usually a short walk followed by dinner and drinks at a local restaurant. Cost is $5 for the run + buy your own food and drinks (from Hash Piss).
"Has been", 0499 002 410(MOB), dhawk61@bigpond.com
"Playskool", 0419 325 706(MOB), keith.olsen5@bigpond.com
"Ur Up", 0427 131 723(MOB), hawkinsrk1951@gmail.com
Last Update: 04/04/2022
Albany Walkabout Hash House Harriers and Handlebar Hash
URL: https://www.facebook.com/hhhashhouseharriers/?modal=admin_todo_tour
A Mixed club that runs Mondays at 6ish. Long weekend trails - 4pm start.
Bike hash on the last Sunday of each month. Runs vary between town, bush & beach - each taking in the scenic beauty of our local environs. Not too many hills! $10 includes nosh. Down down beer sponsored by the Albany Hotel.
"Crash", 0409 260 975(MOB), crash56@live.com.au
"Just Cum", 0439 304 027(MOB)
Last Update: 11/06/2018
Binningup Snails Hash House Harriers
A Mixed club that runs Wednesday at 1830.
Runs? Walks! every Wednesday 6:30 pm. $5. B.Y.O. grog. Mixed Hash Lovely little club with lovely little trails through a lovely little seaside town! We're the slowest & the smallest club we know of!
Helen Jackson
5 Yeoman Place
Binningup WA
Helen "Furburger" Jackson, (08) 9720 2033(H), helljackson@binningup.com.au
Last Update: 20/11/2007
Boddington Hash House Harriers
A Mixed club that runs Tuesday in summer and not at all in winter.
Runs alternate between a farm run and a town run. Summer starts early September
C/- Post Office
Boddington WA 6390
Kathy "Drunkie" Macey, (08) 9883 9490(H), cathyearl@bigpond.com.au
Last Update: 29/09/2008
Broome Hash House Harriers
URL: https://www.facebook.com/groups/broomeh3
AKA: Blue Water Hash
A Mixed club that runs Monday at 1800.
In the glorious town of Broome and environs. Run fee $5 plus $5 for food. Beer $3. Down Downs (Free) sponsored by Matsos Ginger Beer !! Torches recommended
Ian "WankBest", 0412 678 145(MOB)
"Dags", 0467 175 928(MOB), dagskimberley@gmail.com
Last Update: 17/08/2021
Bunbury Hash House Harriers
URL: http://www.bunburyhash3.org
AKA: Souwest's First Hash
A Mixed club that runs Wednesday at 1800.
a mixed hash running every Wednesday at 6pm. Cost $12 all drinks and food included
Bunbury Hash House Harriers
PO Box 92
Bunbury WA 6231
"Hooray", 0419 953 983(MOB), rwil4288@bigpond.net.au
"Spic", 0413 517 887(MOB), bspicey1@gmail.com
"Nova", 0418 943 005(MOB), cass.nova@live.com.au
Last Update: 11/03/2017
Busselton Hash House Harriers
URL: http://www.bsnhhh.com
A Male with visiting hashers club that runs Monday at 1800.
Cost - $15 all beer, coolies and food included for as long as you can stand up, pack size usually 25, runs in town, bush, beach on a magic beachfront in the south west of Western Australia, the greatest place in Australia, plenty of accomodation and touri
PO BOX 1137
Busselton WA 6280
"Turbo" Preston, (08) 9754 4450(W), 0414 768 413 (MOB), directlightingbusso@westnet.com.au
Chris 'Blowie' Hills, (08) 9752 2801(H), 0418 671 253(MOB)
Steve 'FOS' Chatfield, (08) 9752 1522 (H), 0427 521 522(MOB), steve@busseltonmachinery.com.au
Last Update: 03/09/2019
Carnarvon Hash House Harriers
A Mixed club that runs Monday at 1800 in summer and Monday at 1730 in winter.
$10 for run beers/coolies and meal. Runs vary around town / beach and plantations
Chris Perry
17 Willesse St
Carnarvon WA 6701
Chris "Snow White" Perry, (08) 99411954(H), 0418 951 698(mob), chrperry@bigpond.net.au
Cameron "Longballs" Perry, (08) 99411954(H)
Last Update: 07/11/2007
CycleOn Mountain (Karratha) Hash.
URL: http://www.geocities.com/jusfugly
A Mixed Bike club that runs Every second Satuday at 1800 in summer and Every other Satuirday at 1730 in winter.
The only regular Bike Hash in WA. $5 a ride and $3 for a cold beer. Bring your own wine. Rides usually 10 / 20 kms including at least 2 drink stops. Spare bikes available for visitors that are stupid enough to venture up this way.
PO Box 1386
Karratha WA 6714
Barry "Longhorn" Coombe, (08) 9185 3170(W), 0449 142 701(MOB), longhorn53@bigpond.com
Seb "Sperm Whale" Whittles, 0417 925 536(mob)
Last Update: 05/12/2007
Derby Hash House Harriers
A Mixed club that runs Monday at 1800.
Derby in the Kimberley region of Western Australia (way up north west for the geographically impaired)..,$5.00 for the run splash and sum tucker, light and heavy beer available. Nasty habit of drinking a lot of red wine after the circle
PO Box 1226
Derby WA 6728
Dags, (08) 9193 2131(H), 0419 917 075, dags.dwa@westnet.com.au
YnO, (08) 9191 2168(H), 0429 472 168(MOB), yno@westnet.com.au
Clueless, (08) 9191 1920() or 0409 644 276(MOB), robyn.latimer@bigpond.com
Last Update: 11/02/2013
Donnybrook Hash House Harriers
URL: http://www.touristradio.com.au/donnybrook/community/donnybrook_hash.htm
A Family club that runs Monday at 1800.
Cost $4.00 per Harrier/Harriet, $2.00 per Horror, max of $12.00. includes a couple of drinks plus nibblies.
Terry McLean
3 Palmer St
Donnybrook WA 6239
Terry "Singe" Mclean, 0427 198 212(Mob), tmc54228@bigpond.net.au
Jill McLean, (08) 9731 1235(H)
Shirley "Temple" Steicke, (08) 9731 1780(H)
Last Update: 21/06/2007
Dragon Hash House Harriers
A Mixed club that runs at variable times - call the club first.
Email : buffy@iinet.net.au
Shelagh "Buffy" Banner, 0408 283 397(MOB), buffy@iinet.net.au
Tony "Foreskin" Banner, 0409 680 294(MOB), foreskin@iinet.net.au
Last Update: 11/02/2013
Geraldton Greenough Hash House Harriers
URL: http://www.wilcomonline.com.au/g2h3
AKA: Windy City H3
A Mixed club that runs Monday evenings.
Email : jocstrap@wilcomonline.com.au
Mark "Jocstrap" Wilkinson, 0409 857 806 (MOB), jocstrap@wilcomonline.com.au
Last Update: 11/02/2013
Hangover Bay Hash House Harriers
URL: http://www.hangoverbayhash.com
AKA: The Honest Hash
A Mixed club that runs on any day at 17:00. Call for details first.
Run fee of $5 covers run and nosh. Beers $2. Alcopops $3
Email : hbh3@westnet.com.au
PO Box 195
WA 6511
Paul "ZipperLip" Gazeley, 0429 652 700(MOB), hbh3@westnet.com.au
Last Update: 22/04/2009
Hannans Hash House Harriers
A Men club that runs Monday at 1900.
R*ns start all over the place in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Looking for a drunken group of half-minds....yep, that's us with the berets on our heads! Cost is $30.00 per head for booze and nosh.
Email : hiv@hivhash.com
93 Varden St
Kalgoorlie WA 6432
Tony "Foreskin" Banner, 0409 680 294(MOB), foreskin@iinet.net.au
Jason "Boner" Wells, 0409 319 314(MOB), joobsy@westnet.com.au
Last Update: 12/01/2013
Hobo Hash House Harriers
URL: Http://www.hobohash.com
A Mixed club that runs .
Hashers without a home. Hobbits our junior members Runs when ever we want with who ever we want, We join other Hash club runs when we can and set our own RunsCost $10.00 per Hobo run and pay visitor cost at other hashersb $60 to join and $40 a year
Butt, butt@hobohash.com
Butt-less, buttless@hobohash.com
Gargoyle, gargoyle@hobohash.com
Last Update: 19/06/2007
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Hash House Harriers
URL: http://www.hashgods.com/
A Mixed club that runs Sunday at 1700 in summer and Sunday at 1600 in winter.
Also run at 7pm on Tuesdays closest to the full moon. Cost is $15 (all food and drink included; and $20 respectively on the Full Moon Hashes).
PO Box 4569
Kalgoorlie WA 6430
Paul "Tombstone" Browning, 0416 171 809(MOB), dartst@bigpond.net.au
Last Update: 21/04/2013
Kununurra Hash House Harriers
A Mixed club that runs Sundays at 1400-1500.
Runs (well hikes really as the terrain is too difficult) cost $5, down-downs are $3 beer, $2 soft drinks. Bring a chair for the circle.
Email : Kununurrah3@gmail.com
Debra "Pommy Crawler" Hunter, 0416 489 543(MOB), debhams@hotmail.com
Richard "Marlborough Man" Fairman, 0429 003 232(MOB), richard.fairman@bigpond.com
Last Update: 05/12/2017
Mandurah Hash House Harriers
URL: http://mandurahhashhouseharriers.com.au
Other Contact: https://www.facebook.com/mandurahhashhouseharriers
A Mixed club that runs Wednesday at 1830.
We run in any weather, rain, hail or shine. We charge $6 for members and $8 for visitors which gets you a feed and splash. Our piss is always cold and great club prices. Check out our webpage or find us on Facebook.
Email : mh3onsec@gmail.com
PO Box 2296
Mandurah DC WA 6210
Message us from our Facebook page
Last Update: 07/07/2023
Manjimup Hash House Harriers
AKA: Manji Hash
A Male club that runs Monday (Tuesday if after a long weekend) at 1800 in summer and Monday (Tuesday if after a long weekend) at 1730 in winter.
Treat our partners, wives and mistresses to outings occasionally,
Mandatory blokes fishing trips away a couple of times a year, usually for a week at a time and generally somewhere we've not been before as a group.
PO Box 427
Manjimup WA 6258
Sam "Figjam" Karamfiles, 0418 919 168(MOB), sam@kbhomes.com.au
Ray "Unco" Sullivan, 0427 771 909(MOB), rays@hpm.net.au
Paul "Feral" Woods, 0439 488 003(MOB), lawriewood@wn.com.au
Louis "Little Fat Cunt" Thompson, 0429 922 899(MOB), lfc@wn.com.au
Last Update: 11/02/2013
Margaret River Hash House Harriers
A Mixed club that runs Monday at 1800.
PO Box 353
Margaret River WA 6285
Bernie "Blisters" Jones, (08) 9757 6347(H), blisters2@bigpond.com
Judy "SOD" Jones, 0428 576 348(mob)
John "Heamorids"Dempster, (08) 9757 3151(H), 0418 932 084(MOB)
Moya "Scatch" Dempster, (08) 9757 3151(H)
Killer, (08) 9757 2430
Last Update: 02/11/2007
Mundaring Hash House Harriers
A Mixed club that runs Friday at 1900.
Chris Woodward
2450 Stevens St
Sawyers Valley WA 6074
Jim "Randy" Randall, (08) 9295 1916(H)
Chris "Passiona" Woodward, (08) 9295 2238(H), (08) 9476 8820(W), chrisww@iinet.net.au
Don "Chainsaw" Mcgee, (08) 9572 1024(H)
John "Underlay" Golding, 08) 9298 8271(H)
Last Update: 11/02/2013
Murrin Murrin Hash House Harriers
A Mine based club that runs Monday or Tuesday nights twice a month.
We run on desert trails, dried creek beds and rock outcrops . Piss, circle and grub. Visiting Hashers welcome. $2, A torch and 3 of your favourite drop, is all you need to run.
Locked bag 4, Welshpool Delivery Centre
Pilbara St
Perth WA 6106
Mike "Seaman Stains" Gaebler, mgaebler@minara.com.au
Last Update: 17/11/2006
Running Bare (Karratha) Hash House Harriers
A Mixed club that runs only when cyclone red alert.
Only run when approaching Cyclone is imminent. Attire, as name suggests fuck all. Meet at various spa locations in Karratha. Entry fee is 3 bottles of wine and at least a six pack of beer.
Barry "Longhorn" Coombe, (08) 9185 3170(H), 0449 142 701(MOB), longhorn53@bigpond.com
Monitor Mees, 0417 942 081(mob), mees@westnet.com.au
Last Update: 05/12/2007
Three River Hash House Harriers
A club that runs Sundays at 1830.
Mine security applies. Esky, Ice, Food supplied Three Rivers Hash is based at Plutonic Gold Mine, roughly halfway between Meekatharra and Mt Newman, on the Gascoyne River in Western Austra
Last Update: 04/12/2005