Click on the map to find listings of Aussie Hashes! Check out Hash Events in Australia for other special Hash Events in Australia. Congrats to Fremantle H6, Western Australia for hosting the Aussie Nash Hash in 2025. Preliminary website is at . There is a genealogy of Aussie Hash clubs for you to review and add to. If you don't know what Hash is all about check Hash Origins Please help us to keep the information current - updates to lists all Regional Hash Pages where the latest information on Hash Chapters/Kennels/Clubs world wide is available on line. Thanks to Hazukashii for maintaining this listing. PRAMBANAN MENDUT INTERHASH 2026. Congratulations to Prambanan Mendut for hosting the next Interhash.
Check out Hash Events in Australia for other special Hash Events in Australia. Congrats to Fremantle H6, Western Australia for hosting the Aussie Nash Hash in 2025. Preliminary website is at . There is a genealogy of Aussie Hash clubs for you to review and add to. If you don't know what Hash is all about check Hash Origins Please help us to keep the information current - updates to lists all Regional Hash Pages where the latest information on Hash Chapters/Kennels/Clubs world wide is available on line. Thanks to Hazukashii for maintaining this listing. PRAMBANAN MENDUT INTERHASH 2026. Congratulations to Prambanan Mendut for hosting the next Interhash.